Van Delft, a psychologist and journalist, was one of the professionals who studied the positive influence of chess on older people for some years of his life. He collected data from neuropsychologists, neurobiologists, and physicians who had recommended chess practice to their patients. All agreed on the improvement of aging symptoms that the study subjects had.

Delft classified the improvements patients had experienced into three categories: socialization, physical health, and mental health.

Socialization refers to older people finding chess entertaining and as an opportunity to interact with other people, whether they are their age or younger. This also helps improve your emotional health.

On the other hand, they find physical health in this game because mental capacity is stimulated so that studies speak of a very low number of cases with dementia. The great chess players who now belong to the elderly do not show signs of dementia.

Another benefit that Delft categorized is mental health, the brain is a muscle that if you train regularly becomes stronger and the best way to do this is with chess. Reasoning, problem solving, concentration and memory are trained and improved and with it the mental health of the elderly.

benefits chess

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