In the past, it was considered that ADHD was more prevalent in males than females, but this theory has lost strength as time goes by.
Nowadays, it shows similar prevalence in both genders. Although males may appear to have a dominant position in hyperactive/impulsive presentation, women emerge in an inattentive presentation.
ADHD is traditionally thought to be an exclusive disorder for children and teenagers, but reality proves otherwise. Symptoms remain in adulthood and other psychopathologic manifestations may appear depending on the person´s development.
ADHD is the consequence of genetic and brain factors, and it is not produced by “poor parenting”, as it has been said in past years. Therefore, this does not mean that early childhood education and care, plus the family´s influence are not important.
As a matter of fact, they are fundamental at the time of modulating the symptoms expression and when establishing a treatment plan for ADHD.
Now we know that ADHD child’s brain presents certain differences in its operation, noted primarily in the prefrontal cortex, which is the brain region responsible for organizing and regulating attention and behavior.

Other brain regions are involved, especially those that are regulated by dopamine or noradrenaline, which in turn are the two neurotransmitters that have been related with ADHD.
Is ADHD curable?
First of all, we must clarify that ADHD is a disorder, and not a disease, and therefore it is not something that has to be “cured” properly speaking.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder can have many degrees and present in multiple ways, depending on whether one symptom or another predominates. It is not a disease that has to be “cured” or “fixed”.
The objective should not be to “cure” ADHD, but rather to learn to live with the limitations that ADHD may imply, in the school, family, social, or professional context.
Learning to live with ADHD sometimes entails pharmacological treatment in the most severe cases. However, a multimodal treatment approach is necessary, which should also emphasize the psychological and pedagogical aspects. Within this context, it is in this last aspect that we propose our Cognitive Training Plans based on chess as a complementary treatment for ADHD. These plans bring together a set of exercises specifically designed to improve the cognitive abilities that require more work in people diagnosed with ADHD: attention, concentration, memory, spatial vision, calculation, planning, time management. On many occasions, physical and motor skills work is also advisable, especially helped by specialized physiotherapy in ADHD and psychomotor skills.
Training Plans for ADHD
We have at your disposal different chess exercises specifically designed for the complementary treatment of ADHD.
These exercises are grouped into three different Cognitive Training Plans
- Chess develops and strengthens the ability to perform under “time pressure”. Lowering of “test anxiety”.
- Chess helps develop imagination and creativity and helps to increase foresight and visualization.
- Chess helps build character and self-esteem! … Healthy self-esteem comes from knowing that you can do hard things, because you really have done them.