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What is ADHD?2019-11-07T20:38:06+01:00

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder with or without Hyperactivity (ADD or ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder, which can present three principal symptoms:

  • Attention deficit
  • Hyperactivity
  • Impulsiveness

It affects approximately 5 – 10% of the children and youth population, more frequently in boys than in girls. The majority of the cases can have a hereditary component.

Diagnosis and treatment are generally done in children around 7 years of age, however, in some cases diagnosis can be done before this age.

What are the possible limitations that a child with ADHD may suffer?2019-11-07T20:42:21+01:00

People with ADHD manifest a persistent pattern of lack of attention and/or hyperactive impulsiveness, sudden, careless and abrupt acts that occur without thinking and may interfere with function or development. Under these circumstances, along with other problems that may arise in cognitive abilities, may also affect academics, social behaviors, and emotional factors.

From this point of view, and as a complementary aid tool, practicing chess could be extremely beneficial, as it has been demonstrated to be efficient in the improvement of certain cognitive abilities, as well as its positive influence in self-esteem development and other emotional aspects.

Can ADHD be cured?2019-11-07T20:44:18+01:00

Attention Deficit Disorder with or without Hyperactivity (ADD or ADHD) is not a disease, and therefore, it cannot be said that ADHD can be cured. Its symptoms and different behavioral manifestations can be treated and controlled with the help of appropriate treatment specifically designed for each particular case, minimizing the impact on the life of the individual affected.

ADHD is a condition, not a disease, in which the individual must learn to live with.

An effective treatment, applied as soon as possible, could avoid deficits related to cognitive abilities affected by the disorder and the learning process, which interfere with the child’s maturation. In the majority of cases, limitations in school performance, the perception of oneself, and the environment, and the development of social competence can be avoided.

What can schools do with children with ADHD?2019-11-07T20:46:47+01:00

Teachers oftentimes have an important role, not only in the academic sense, but also in the emotional field. On many occasions, teachers are counted on for identifying ADHD early on. Teachers usually find it less difficult than parents in realizing that everything is not going well. Teachers should be aware that there is a solution to the problem, while being aware of the disorder and its consequences by applying the recommendations for teachers in treating ADHD.

What can parents and family members do to help their child with ADHD?2019-11-07T20:48:27+01:00

Effective treatment can oftentimes include several different approaches that may include medication, cognitive and behavioral psychotherapy, and important procedures that parents may implement.

In ADHD & Chess, we establish some recommendations for parents in the treatment of ADHD.

What is needed to diagnose ADHD?2019-11-07T20:50:20+01:00

The diagnosis of ADHD can be difficult to establish. For this reason, it is essential that medical professionals (psychiatrists, neuropediatrics, neurologists, psychologists or pediatricians specializing in behavior and development) give an informed, defined and early diagnosis of ADHD.

At what age can one be diagnosed with ADHD?2019-11-07T20:51:32+01:00

At any age, but a child will not be diagnosed unless symptoms occur continuously over a period of six months, and their symptoms affect their ability to participate in age appropriate activities.

How is ADHD treated and what is its purpose?2019-11-07T20:53:57+01:00

One of the best focuses in order to treat ADHD is the use of multiple treatments, which is known as multimodal treatment.

The multimodal treatment approach primarily aims to improve the nuclear symptoms of the disorder by reducing the problems associated with ADHD, promoting academic adjustment, reducing environmental impact, acquiring skills and strategies for overall performance in life.

Additionally, we suggest incorporating complementary approaches as well, such as the use of chess as a therapeutic and educational tool.

Should my child take medication?2019-11-07T21:10:45+01:00

Medication does not eliminate ADHD, but may reduce manifestations and facilitate the child’s social and academic adaptation as well as the facilitation of their academic progress and cognitive development.

Pharmaceutical treatments should always be recommended by a neurologist or psychiatrist following an individualized study of the patient.

Should my child receive psychological and counseling assistance?2019-11-07T21:12:21+01:00

It has been proven that multimodal treatment has many benefits for children.

The more individuals involved in each approach and the clarification of doubts with the specialist will result in the demonstration of better quality and performance improvements in the child’s life, as well as contributing to social and emotional aspects.

At what age can one learn to play chess?2019-11-07T21:13:27+01:00

Chess can be learned at any age; whether it’s children, adults or the elderly. Children from four to five years of age can learn the movements of the pieces, understand some plans and game, begin to use tactical reasoning and strategies, depending on the child’s maturity level and their own interest in the game.

Where can I learn to play chess?2019-11-07T21:15:31+01:00

Chess is a game for everyone that requires few resources in order to practice and learn the beginning levels. There are many clubs, academies, books, and different courses and material on the Internet. Many of these recourses are free and of good quality. However, our main recommendation for someone starting from scratch is to always begin with a specific work methodology that allows control of what has been learned and what activity is carried out. If you want to start from scratch, we recommend Chess From Zero and if you have chess knowledge, we recommend any of the courses by The Method in Chess.

What are the benefits of practicing chess?2019-11-07T21:17:36+01:00

It has been proven that practicing chess has many benefits. Not only does chess help improve cognitive abilities, such as concentration, abstract reasoning, spacial visualization, attention, memory or logical thinking, but it also has a positive influence on the development of emotional and social intelligence of those who practice it. At ADHD & Chess, we have prepared a summary of some of the benefits of chess.

Is chess only aimed at very intelligent individuals?2019-11-07T21:18:53+01:00

Definitely not. Even though we have association of a professional chess player with very intelligent people, chess is a game for everyone and the benefits of its practice exist at every level, just as the benefits of sport help everyone who practices it and not just elite athletes. Many students with learning disabilities or special education are actively participating in chess programs, given its value as a social and educational tool.

How can chess help my child in their educational learning process?2019-11-07T21:25:55+01:00

Chess is used as an efficient educational resource in schools all around the world. Among many other benefits, practicing chess regularly trains the mind to think in an organized way, impacting positively in overall academic performance; particularly in mathematics and reading comprehension. Additionally, it stimulates many cognitive abilities that have a great impact on overall academic performance, such as memory, concentration, or the ability to reason.

What evidence is there of real improvement of these skills?2019-11-07T21:27:28+01:00

There are a number of studies and investigations that have demonstrated the improvements in the development of cognitive abilities, as well as positive developments in other aspects that have direct implications on personality and, as a consequence, on social development. For this reason, chess is becoming a required subject in schools in many countries around the world, in addition to being used as a therapeutic tool in many cases.

When will I begin to notice results in my child?2019-11-07T21:31:46+01:00

Like any other physical or mental discipline that is practiced with effort, commitment and continuity, the results of the work will always show. Naturally, each child is a different case, and we should not establish generalized conclusions without considering other details in relation to the individual. For example, in the case of the Elephant Plan, which requires the greatest commitment and dedication, we have observed very notable improvements both in concentration, as well as in attention and memory in periods shorter than a school year.

How do I know what plan best fits my needs?2019-11-07T21:34:05+01:00

The Training Plans differ mainly in the variety of the exercises they contain, and in the number of exercises available for each month. Therefore, selecting the appropriate plan should be based on the time the student has available, and the objectives that are being pursued, as explained in the section on how to choose the best training plan.

What can I do if I don’t have any knowledge of chess or have a very low level?2019-11-07T21:36:52+01:00

While most of the exercises proposed in each Plan use a chess board and its pieces as the main tools, in most cases, the desirable chess knowledge is minimal and do not go far beyond the main rules of game and movement of the pieces. Logically, there are also other exercises and problems where some higher knowledge is necessary. We recommend that you consult the chess knowledge section that is recommended in each Plan or each of the exercises.

Is there a Training Plan trial?2019-11-07T21:39:02+01:00

At the moment we do not have a trial version of the Training Plan. Oftentimes, there are promotions that will allow you to access the online Campus for a month, and thus be able to use and study the features and functionalities. In addition, some of the exercises have a demo version on the web, which are completely free.

What level of chess can I achieve through the Training Plans?2019-11-09T15:28:15+01:00

The main objective of our Training Plans is not the direct improvement of chess knowledge. In fact, this is an objective that will be achieved indirectly, with the progression of time.

The main objective is to use chess as a contribution to the rehabilitation and improvement of cognitive skills, especially for those diagnosed with ADHD.

Of course, it is a fact that the student will improve, and by a lot, by increasing their skill level through tactical resources, spatial vision, or their ability to visualize patterns and positions among other aspects.

Can I take the course by organizing my schedule and managing my own time?2019-11-07T21:49:08+01:00

Yes, of course. The schedules are designed to be completely flexible, although the greatest benefits are acquired through constant and disciplined work on your accountability. On the other hand, if you have purchased a full course, you will automatically be assigned a 30-day vacation period, and you will have a tool that allows you to suspend the course within that period. Of course, you decide if you use it or not, as well as for how long. We want you to enjoy chess, and for this reason, you can make it compatible with your rest periods or dedication to other activities.

How much time should I dedicate a day or weekly to chess?2019-11-07T21:51:09+01:00

It depends on your level and the Unit you belong to. As a progressive method, we increase the difficulty and workload in each Unit. A player with an ELO rating between 1950 and 2150 will need about 16 hours of monthly learning and training for Unit 1 and 26 hours for Unit 6.

This doesn’t mean in any way, that if you have a high level, Unit 1 will be easy. It simply implies that it will require less time than other students with a slightly lower level. Obviously, considering that the student is within the ELO ranking advised for the completion of the course.

Remember, that this course does not require a specific daily dedication. You can distribute your time accordingly yourself. The dedication needs depend on a number of factors, such as the quality of time you dedicate, your previous knowledge, and your ability to assimilate concepts on one hand, and on the other, your ambitions and how far you want to go. We all know that when we are faced with a position that we cannot resolve at first, it is up to us to make an effort to see if we can achieve it, or on the contrary, quickly lose patience and end the exercise before completion. Naturally, each one of these factors can influence the amount of time dedicated.

When can I begin the Training Plan?2019-11-07T21:52:47+01:00

Right now. You can start the Training Plan you purchase whenever you desire, as there are not specific dates or schedules to follow.

Registering for your Training Plan only takes a few minutes. Once payment has been confirmed, you will receive an email indicating the confirmation of your Online Campus access, along with the necessary passwords to begin working with the Plan you have purchased.

If I am already subscribed to a Training Plan, can I change to another?2019-11-07T21:54:02+01:00

To change to another Training Plan, just purchase new Plan at any given moment. There is no need to wait until the plan ends. The system will automatically recognize the purchase of a new Plan and in the event that you have unfinished, pending exercises from the previous Plan, they will be added to the exercises of the new Plan.

How can I renew my subscription of a Training Plan? Is it automatic?2019-11-07T21:54:59+01:00

The renewal of a subscription is automatic through the selected payment platform, without having to go through any additional steps. You can cancel the following payments at any moment and your subscription will end automatically.

What forms of payment are accepted in order to subscribe to a Training Plan?2019-11-07T22:02:42+01:00

You can subscribe to any of the Training Plans, by the following methods of payment:

  • Secured payment with major credit/debit cards. Payment is automatic and we activate immediate subscription

In order to maximize security of the electronic transactions by debit or credit card, we use Paypal, the world leader in secure Internet payments. It is not necessary to be a Paypal client in order to make a payment. If desired, the payment can be made directly with a card via Paypal.

  • Making a transfer to the bank account of ADHD & Chess.
Can I cancel my subscription at any moment?2019-11-07T21:59:33+01:00

Yes, of course. You can cancel your subscription to any plan at any given moment by simply cancelling the payments in the payment platform that you selected when purchasing the Plan. Your active subscription will always be respected until the expiration of the purchase period. Whenever you want, you may purchase another Training Plan.

Can I receive discounts if I make joint purchases?2019-11-07T21:58:49+01:00

Definitely. Do not hesitate to contact us in order to receive information about discounts and joint purchases.

However the most important thing is not only saving on costs, but also that you will be capable of unifying the same Training Plan for the whole group, which undoubtedly has pedagogical advantages; allowing you to compare results among students in an objective manner, as well as keep track of achievements.

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