30 08, 2019

Can I take the course by organizing my schedule and managing my own time?

By |2019-11-07T21:49:08+01:00August 30th, 2019|Categories: , |Comments Off on Can I take the course by organizing my schedule and managing my own time?

Yes, of course. The schedules are designed to be completely flexible, although the greatest benefits are acquired through constant and disciplined work on your accountability. On the other hand, if you have purchased a full course, you will automatically be assigned a 30-day vacation period, and you will have a tool that allows you to suspend the course within that period. Of course, you decide if you use it or not, as well as for how long. We want you to enjoy chess, and for this reason, you can make it compatible with your rest periods or dedication to other [...]

30 08, 2019

How much time should I dedicate a day or weekly to chess?

By |2019-11-07T21:51:09+01:00August 30th, 2019|Categories: , |Comments Off on How much time should I dedicate a day or weekly to chess?

It depends on your level and the Unit you belong to. As a progressive method, we increase the difficulty and workload in each Unit. A player with an ELO rating between 1950 and 2150 will need about 16 hours of monthly learning and training for Unit 1 and 26 hours for Unit 6. This doesn’t mean in any way, that if you have a high level, Unit 1 will be easy. It simply implies that it will require less time than other students with a slightly lower level. Obviously, considering that the student is within the ELO ranking advised for the [...]

30 08, 2019

¿Cómo se realizan los pagos, en una divisa o moneda local, o en euros?

By |2019-08-30T14:48:41+01:00August 30th, 2019|Categories: , |0 Comments

Nuestros precios base están siempre en euros, y a nosotros nos llegará siempre el importe en esta moneda. Sin embargo, tu entidad financiera a ti te cargará siempre en tu moneda local, como es lógico. Cuando pagues con tarjeta desde un país que no utilice el euro, tu entidad financiera aplicará en tu tarjeta directamente el cargo equivalente en tu propia moneda local; a nosotros, el dinero nos llegará siempre en euros. Si realizas el envío del dinero mediante transferencia bancaria o Western Union, a nosotros debes enviarnos el precio en euros. A ti te aplicarán la tasa conversora correspondiente, [...]

30 08, 2019

¿Cómo puedo controlar de una forma fiable las comisiones por las compras de El Método en Ajedrez conseguidas a través de mi tienda o web?

By |2019-09-02T17:53:51+01:00August 30th, 2019|Categories: , |0 Comments

Cada vez que alguien llegue a nuestra web desde tu tienda o desde tu web, controlaremos que viene desde ese punto con un código de acceso personalizado. Este código permanecerá vigente durante un mes; si esta persona realiza la compra en dicho período, automáticamente generará la comisión acordada. Adicionalmente tendrás acceso a una aplicación en tiempo real que te permitirá controlar las comisiones acordadas y las visitas recibidas o generadas desde tu tienda o web. Buscamos la máxima transparencia: por supuesto, si tienes cualquier sugerencia o quieres implementar un mecanismo de control adicional, contacta con nosotros y haremos lo posible [...]

5 08, 2019

Can I receive discounts if I make joint purchases?

By |2019-11-07T21:58:49+01:00August 5th, 2019|Categories: , |Comments Off on Can I receive discounts if I make joint purchases?

Definitely. Do not hesitate to contact us in order to receive information about discounts and joint purchases.However the most important thing is not only saving on costs, but also that you will be capable of unifying the same Training Plan for the whole group, which undoubtedly has pedagogical advantages; allowing you to compare results among students in an objective manner, as well as keep track of achievements.

5 08, 2019

Can I cancel my subscription at any moment?

By |2019-11-07T21:59:33+01:00August 5th, 2019|Categories: , |Comments Off on Can I cancel my subscription at any moment?

Yes, of course. You can cancel your subscription to any plan at any given moment by simply cancelling the payments in the payment platform that you selected when purchasing the Plan. Your active subscription will always be respected until the expiration of the purchase period. Whenever you want, you may purchase another Training Plan.

5 08, 2019

What forms of payment are accepted in order to subscribe to a Training Plan?

By |2019-11-07T22:02:42+01:00August 5th, 2019|Categories: , |Comments Off on What forms of payment are accepted in order to subscribe to a Training Plan?

You can subscribe to any of the Training Plans, by the following methods of payment: Secured payment with major credit/debit cards. Payment is automatic and we activate immediate subscription In order to maximize security of the electronic transactions by debit or credit card, we use Paypal, the world leader in secure Internet payments. It is not necessary to be a Paypal client in order to make a payment. If desired, the payment can be made directly with a card via Paypal. Making a transfer to the bank account of ADHD & Chess.

5 08, 2019

How can I renew my subscription of a Training Plan? Is it automatic?

By |2019-11-07T21:54:59+01:00August 5th, 2019|Categories: , |Comments Off on How can I renew my subscription of a Training Plan? Is it automatic?

The renewal of a subscription is automatic through the selected payment platform, without having to go through any additional steps. You can cancel the following payments at any moment and your subscription will end automatically.

5 08, 2019

If I am already subscribed to a Training Plan, can I change to another?

By |2019-11-07T21:54:02+01:00August 5th, 2019|Categories: , |Comments Off on If I am already subscribed to a Training Plan, can I change to another?

To change to another Training Plan, just purchase new Plan at any given moment. There is no need to wait until the plan ends. The system will automatically recognize the purchase of a new Plan and in the event that you have unfinished, pending exercises from the previous Plan, they will be added to the exercises of the new Plan.

5 08, 2019

When can I begin the Training Plan?

By |2019-11-07T21:52:47+01:00August 5th, 2019|Categories: , |Comments Off on When can I begin the Training Plan?

Right now. You can start the Training Plan you purchase whenever you desire, as there are not specific dates or schedules to follow. Registering for your Training Plan only takes a few minutes. Once payment has been confirmed, you will receive an email indicating the confirmation of your Online Campus access, along with the necessary passwords to begin working with the Plan you have purchased.



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