8 03, 2019

Article 12: The role of the Arbiter (see Preface)

By |2019-03-14T13:10:57+01:00March 8th, 2019|Categories: |0 Comments

12.1 The arbiter shall see that the Laws of Chess are observed. 12.2 The arbiter shall: 12.2.1 ensure fair play, 12.2.2 act in the best interest of the competition, 12.2.3 ensure that a good playing environment is maintained, 12.2.4 ensure that the players are not disturbed, 12.2.5 supervise the progress of the competition, 12.2.6 take special measures in the interests of disabled players and those who need medical attention, 12.2.7 follow the Anti-Cheating Rules or Guidelines 12.3 The arbiter shall observe the games, especially when the players are short of time, enforce decisions he has made, and impose penalties on players [...]

8 03, 2019

Article 11: The conduct of the players

By |2019-03-08T17:28:14+01:00March 8th, 2019|Categories: |0 Comments

11.1 The players shall take no action that will bring the game of chess into disrepute. 11.2.1 The ‘playing venue’ is defined as the ‘playing area’, rest rooms, toilets, refreshment area, area set aside for smoking and other places as designated by the arbiter. 11.2.2 The playing area is defined as the place where the games of a competition are played. 11.2.3 Only with the permission of the arbiter can: a player leave the playing venue, the player having the move be allowed to leave the playing area. a person who is neither a player nor arbiter be [...]

8 03, 2019

Article 10: Points

By |2019-03-08T17:27:53+01:00March 8th, 2019|Categories: |0 Comments

10.1 Unless the regulations of an event specify otherwise, a player who wins his game, or wins by forfeit, scores one point (1), a player who loses his game, or forfeits, scores no points (0), and a player who draws his game scores a half point (½). 10.2 The total score of any game can never exceed the maximum score normally given for that game. Scores given to an individual player must be those normally associated with the game, for example a score of ¾ - ¼ is not allowed.

8 03, 2019

Article 9: The drawn game

By |2019-03-08T17:27:16+01:00March 8th, 2019|Categories: |0 Comments

9.1.1 The regulations of an event may specify that players cannot offer or agree to a draw, whether in less than a specified number of moves or at all, without the consent of the arbiter. 9.1.2 However, if the regulations of an event allow a draw agreement the following shall apply: A player wishing to offer a draw shall do so after having made a move on the chessboard and before pressing his clock. An offer at any other time during play is still valid but Article 11.5 must be considered. No conditions can be attached to the offer. In [...]

8 03, 2019

Article 8: The recording of the moves

By |2019-03-08T17:27:37+01:00March 8th, 2019|Categories: |0 Comments

8.1.1 In the course of play each player is required to record his own moves and those of his opponent in the correct manner, move after move, as clearly and legibly as possible, in the algebraic notation (Appendix C), on the ‘scoresheet’ prescribed for the competition. 8.1.2 It is forbidden to write the moves in advance, unless the player is claiming a draw according to Article 9.2, or 9.3 or adjourning a game according to Guidelines I.1.1 8.1.3 A player may reply to his opponent’s move before recording it, if he so wishes. He must record his previous move before making [...]

8 03, 2019

Article 7: Irregularities

By |2019-03-08T17:26:49+01:00March 8th, 2019|Categories: |0 Comments

7.1 If an irregularity occurs and the pieces have to be restored to a previous position, the arbiter shall use his best judgement to determine the times to be shown on the chessclock. This includes the right not to change the clock times. He shall also, if necessary, adjust the clock’s move-counter. 7.2.1 If during a game it is found that the initial position of the pieces was incorrect, the game shall be cancelled and a new game shall be played. 7.2.2 If during a game it is found that the chessboard has been placed contrary to Article 2.1, the game [...]

26 02, 2019

Article 6: The chessclock

By |2019-02-26T14:55:45+01:00February 26th, 2019|Categories: |Comments Off on Article 6: The chessclock

6.1 ‘Chessclock’ means a clock with two time displays, connected to each other in such a way that only one of them can run at one time. ‘Clock’ in the Laws of Chess means one of the two time displays. Each time display has a ‘flag’. ‘Flag-fall’ means the expiration of the allotted time for a player. 6.2.1 During the game each player, having made his move on the chessboard, shall stop his own clock and start his opponent’s clock (that is to say, he shall press his clock). This “completes” the move. A move is also completed if: the [...]



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